Boldly Step Into Your Future

Loving Life

Loving Life

We have moments in our lives where we must bid farewell to a part of ourselves and begin anew. This year I resigned from teaching in the public classroom. This was my affirmation before I mailed my letter. May it help you step boldly into new opportunities for which you were destined. This is an excerpt from my upcoming e-book: Heart Space Wide Open ~ Simple Ways to Feed Your Soul in 7 Days.

Dear Universe:

For the gift of choice & new beginnings, I thank you. I have learned that until a door is fully closed the energy from the past somehow drains our future of its full potential. That is not to say I didn’t love this piece of my past. I have loved all I have done, but it was time to take my leap. I have learned from much experience that any choice made out of fear does not serve my higher self. And with that thought in my heart, today I sent one of the most life-changing letters of my life. I said a prayer, shed some tears, and mailed it. To that beautiful brilliant part of my life, YOU were an amazing gift. I love you and all the little pieces of you which I will treasure for a lifetime. I will miss this part of my past BUT NOW I stand with open arms excited and ready for ALL the future brings. This is not a new chapter. THIS is a new book. To those who have tirelessly supported this step — much love. You know what fresh start? I’m going to rock your world.

Wishing you brilliance in your journey.

With love & gratitude,


Plant Your Dream Seeds

Trust your dreams. Trust your heart, and trust your story~Gaiman

Taking steps into the unknown can be really hard & really scary. I’ve experienced this several times in my life ~ leaving a job, leaving a city, & leaving the country. Last year, I left a job with the school board for many reasons, but one reason was because something was pulling me toward another dream. So I got quiet & listened to my soul.  I did a vision board. I imagined my new life. I felt my new life. I planted my dream seeds and then, here’s the toughie. I trusted all would unfold. That’s not to say there weren’t moments of questioning or moments of fear. There were. LOTS! But, I re-aligned myself and realized that I had to leave those dream seeds be.  So often, we plant our seeds and we keep checking on them. And checking on them! But if we keep checking them & moving the “soil” so to speak, our dreams will never have a chance to take shape.
I had another dream seed reminder in May. I had just finished my mindfulness certification. I knew I wanted to take a course to teach teachers but I didn’t know where. I didn’t know how. And then, one day an email from Mindfulness Schools Project in the UK randomly appeared in my email and there was my answer – a 4 day certification course in San Diego. Again, I was reminded of the importance of planting the idea, planting the dream seed, believing in that seed, and trusting it would emerge in the right way at the right time. This is not to say there aren’t times to be active. There are. But there are also times in our lives, equally important times, when we have to be still & trust.
With a new moon, this is a perfect time to plant your dream seeds. Think about it. What’s a dream YOU have? Dig deep. Dream it. See it. Put it on a vision board, and then, trust. Believe: that at the right time and in the right way, your beautiful dream seed will grow and take shape in a way that is perfect for you.

With love, infinite thanks, and dream planting encouragement.

Jennifer at

** Please spread some dream planting encouragement **

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